ZZ Ward – ZZ Ward talks about how she weathered “The Storm”

ZZ Ward knows the blues language inside and out. She grew up playing it straight, celebrating masters like Son House and Fred MacDowell. But in the last few years she’s blended it into a fierce soul/pop/hip-hop sound that loves to stress big beats and raw emotions. The refinement is super obvious in the hard-hitting “Help Me Mama,” the first video from her new album, ‘The Storm.’ She swung by Vevo to talk about going deeper into her own personality to write new songs, and having fans relate to the music.

Director: Alyssa Ahrens
Producer: Alyssa Ahrens

ZZ Ward on Vevo: https://www.vevo.com/artist/zz-ward

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ZZ Ward
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ZZWard
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ZZWard
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ZZWard
Official Site: http://www.zzward.com



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